Monday, 11 February 2008

8/2/08 - 11/2/08

I haven't updated my blogg for a few days. This weekend was really hectic.

Friday, through the day I was really good, but after work on Friday we all went to the pub. I have quite a few drinks and.........................................I had a chipper supper on the way home!! NOT GOOD!!

Saturday, I meet up with 6 of my US colleagues; I showed them some of the sights in Aberdeen City centre. We all went to the pub for lunch!! Saturday night, we all headed to Stonehave Town hall for a ceilidh. There was lots of dancing, but there were also lots of drinks. After the ceilidh we all went back to my house for some more drinks!!

Sunday, Met up with 4 of my US colleagues, we drove out to Crathes Castle and had a guided tour. We then went to the pub for lunch!!

So, as you can see there was lots of drinking and eating this weekend.

Monday, Well.............................................I stepped on the scales and 152.5, I was very surprises, I had thought I might have put back on some of the weight I lost last week.

This week isn't going to be easy for me either, we have got lunch organized all week, and it’s being delivered to work. So I am just going to try and do the best I can.

1 comment:

Girl with a Problem said...

It's hard when you're playing tour guide.

Wonder how many points are in that yummy Scottish beer? I'll need to know for when I come over some day.

I like the pic of you and KB dancing. Sorry I missed the fun.